Niels Schack

Goodbye Horses

Directed by Niels Schack and Rémy Barreyat

Goodbye Horses is a short film created by the collaboration between Niels Schack and Rémy Barreyat. This adventure takes place between the Himalayas and the mind of an old man and his daughter.

Where abstract meets snowboarding Goodbye Horses is a story about youth, escape and the difficulties of growing older.

Starring: Emma Nicolas, Jean-Louis Chabry, Niels Schack, Sparrow Knox, Toni Kerkela

Loo$e changes

Directed and Edited by Niels Schack
Filmed by Alex Weir

Starring: Dillon Crosilla, Gus Engle, Jerome Tanon, Julien Petry, Louis-Felix Paradis, Niels Schack, Sparow Knox, Victor Daviet